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Ravish Page 9

  “I’m not going to punish you tonight for forgetting, but this is your only warning.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She wouldn’t forget.

  “I’d like to discuss our next time here at the club. Would you prefer Saturday nights?”

  “I would. The café is closed on Sundays so that really helps if I have a late night, Sir.”

  “I can do that. I’m going to suggest next Thursday night we come and play. We can make it an early night, I’ll have you home by eleven.”

  “Why Thursday night, Sir?”

  “The club is less crowded, and I’d love to see you topless in the club. Thursday would be a good night for you to try without feeling pressured.”

  Lara swallowed. “I can try, Sir.”

  “I’m pushing your comfort zone a little bit. Tonight, when you were watching Regina on stage. At any point did you focus on her nudity?”

  Lara shook her head. “Maybe when she first sat down, but after that, no, Sir.”

  “Does it help you know that many won’t even notice you’re topless?”

  Lara swallowed. “Can I think about it, Sir?”

  “Yes.” He traced her cheek. “Does it bother you?”

  She nodded. “I...” Her eyes closed. “I guess I’m thinking about my business. Every time I see someone, I’ll be thinking about being topless here and if they’ve seen me, Sir.” All she could hear was her mother’s voice when she was younger, telling her appearance was everything.

  Colby tucked her close to him. “I understand.”

  “Is that going to affect our relationship, Sir?”

  “No.” His voice was firm.

  “Are you sure, Sir?”

  “Are you questioning your Dom, sweetheart?” His voice dropped an octave.

  “No, Sir.” She wasn’t questioning him, not really. Lara wanted to nip the issue in the bud before she got in too deep. If Colby had a problem with her staying dressed in the club, then she wanted it addressed.

  “I can hear you thinking.” Colby shifted. “Are you ready to go home?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Colby helped her to her feet and had her stand in front of him while he laced the halter top back together. She’d forgotten he’d undone it. Lara would have to think about that.

  He took her hand and walked her to the ladies’ room. She slipped inside and got her things out of the locker, put her coat on, and came back out. He was standing there, a small bag in his hand.

  The ride to her home was quiet. When he pulled up in front of her duplex, Colby reached over, put his fingers on her chin, and she turned her head.

  “I heard you thinking all the way here. There is no right or wrong, Lara. The relationship is what we make it.”

  “But what if I can’t play in the club?” She was having serious doubts. Doubts because of her family ties.

  “We’ll play at home in private until you’re more comfortable.”


  He put his fingers over her lips. “Let’s not borrow trouble. Now give me your phone.”

  Lara fumbled in her purse, held her finger on the sensor, then handed the phone to him. “You already have my cell number, but I see you didn’t put it in your phone.” He gave her the phone back and climbed out of the car.

  Colby walked her up the steps and waited until she unlocked the door and turned the alarm off. “Any questions or concerns, and I mean anything that comes up, call me. I’ll see you Monday.” He brushed his lips over hers and waited until she stepped inside and closed the door. “And no getting yourself off, sweetheart. That’s my job.”

  Lara’s forehead hit the wood of the doorframe. How did he know? That man saw things she wasn’t sure she wanted him to see. She locked up, set the alarm, and made her way into her bedroom. She had a lot to think about.

  * * * *

  Colby sat in the borrowed car and stared at Lara’s place. He didn’t want to leave her, but he needed to let her work through tonight. He only hoped she’d call him or Sierra, or one of the other women she was friends with if she needed to talk. That reminded him, Max mentioned about starting a sub group where they could talk freely within their group. He’d have to check to see where they were on that and ask Lara to join.

  While she might have had some experience in college, it wasn’t anything like the club. And he suspected Lara hadn’t played much. She had knowledge, but not practical experience. That wasn’t odd; it happened. He started the engine and drove home. He’d return the car to Damon tomorrow and get his bike.

  Once inside his apartment, Colby undressed and put the clothes in the hamper before he stepped into the shower. He’d give Lara Sunday to think about tonight, then go to the café on Monday to chat. It wouldn’t be the conversation he wanted, but he’d be able to tell if she was pulling away.

  He’d give her some time to process and cook her dinner on Tuesday night, and they could have a nice private chat. He meant what he said tonight: if she couldn’t play in the club, they’d play into the bedroom until she could.

  The relationship was new, and it would take time to figure out. In the meantime, he already had more ideas about clothing. Tomorrow, he’d go into his workshop and start working on them.

  * * * *

  Colby walked into Lara’s café Monday morning to see her all but dancing to the music she had on. There were two couples in the café having breakfast. It was early yet, barely nine. He walked up to the counter.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  Lara spun around and grinned. “Good morning, Colby.”

  “I’m going to snag a table over in the corner.”

  “No problem. It’s quiet right now. Your usual?”

  “Surprise me.” Her eyes widened. “Just not too crazy, please.”

  “Hmmm.” Mischief danced across her features, and she laughed. “I promise.” She leaned in closer. “Sir,” she whispered before twirling away.

  His cock twitched, and he almost reached out to haul her into his arms but fought the urge. This was her place of business. Colby went over to the table of four and pulled out his sketchpad.

  Within a few minutes, Lara came over with coffee and food. “Nothing too dangerous. Coffee with a hint of nutmeg and a breakfast sandwich.” She set everything down and walked away to help another couple.

  Colby took a sip of his coffee. The nutmeg gave the drink a little bit of a kick. He picked up the breakfast sandwich and grinned. Ham, bacon, sausage, and cheese—lots of it.

  While he ate, he opened his sketchbook and adjusted some of the drawings of floggers.

  “Now that looks nice,” a male voice said.

  Colby looked up. “Hi, guys, sit down, and I’ll show you what I’ve designed.” Bear and Flash, regulars at the shop, sat down. Lara came bustling over.

  “You guys need anything?” she asked.

  “You don’t have to serve us,” Bear said.

  “True, but it’s quiet right now, and I don’t mind.”

  Bear smiled. “Black coffee and two of whatever Colby is eating.”

  “Hot tea, breakfast blend, and your egg white and spinach wrap.” Flash gave his order.

  “Coming right up.”

  The men watched her walk away. “Nice butt,” Flash commented.

  “Back off.” Colby’s voice deepened. “She’s off limits.”

  Bear’s eyebrows rose. “So that’s how it is.”

  Colby stared at Bear. His name fit him. He was a big guy, built like a bear. And Flash, yeah, his name fit too due to the bright colors of his shirts. “Yes. So you want to see the designs?” Colby tried to get his temper under control. Bear didn’t mean anything by his words, but still, Colby bristled.

  “Yeah, let’s see what you came up with,” Bear said.

  Colby pushed the sketch book over to them. “There are four different designs.” He kept an eye on Lara as she prepared food and drinks for the guys. When she picked up a tray with everything, he started to push back his chair, but she glared at h

  Okay. Her job. And she knew what she was doing. Once at the table, she balanced the tray on the table and set out the food.

  “Thank you,” Flash said with a smile.

  “Smells delicious.” Bear picked up his first breakfast sandwich and took a big bite.

  Lara’s eyes widened as almost half of the sandwich disappeared. Colby chuckled. “The name Bear fits,” he told Lara.

  “So I see.” She turned and went back behind the counter.

  “These are nice,” Bear said, pointing to the sketches.

  “Yes, but I like the handle on this one.” Flash pointed to the first sketch. “And the tails on this one.” He turned to the fourth sketch.

  “I can work with that.” Colby rubbed his chin.

  “Great. That’s the one I want.” Flash took a bite of his wrap.

  “I like the second one the best.” Bear flipped the pages after wiping his hands off. “The design is very nice.”

  “Thank you. How soon do you need them?”

  “Two weeks, can you do that?” Bear asked.

  “Shouldn’t be a problem. Thuddy or stingy?”

  Bear took a drink of his coffee.

  “Thuddy for me,” Flash said. “The heavier the better.”

  Colby nodded and made a note on his sketch pad.

  “I’d like mine with fewer tails, about medium heaviness,” Bear said.

  “So closer to a sting than a thud?” Colby asked.

  “Yeah.” A smile crossed Bear’s face as a shadow fell over the table.

  “More coffee or hot water?” Lara asked, standing there.

  “Please,” Bear said holding his cup out.

  Lara refilled Bear’s cup and then his.

  “I’m good,” Flash said.


  “Now I know why you wanted to meet here,” Bear said.

  “Oh?” Hadn’t his warning come across?

  “Great food.” Flash grinned.

  Colby shook his head as they finished their conversation and drinks. All three stood and shook hands. Bear and Flash picked up their trash and carried it over to the bin, then walked over to the counter.

  Lara smiled at them as they paid, then Bear put money in the tip jar and left with a wave at Colby.

  He cleaned up his stuff and picked up his sketchbook. When he approached Lara, she was frowning at the tip jar.

  “What is it?” he asked. It didn’t make sense why she would be frowning at the tip jar.

  “Colby, they left a twenty dollar tip.” Her voice was soft.


  “It’s way too much.” She shook her head.

  “Honey,” he said softly. “It’s because they appreciate how you treat them.”

  “But...” Her cheeks turned red.

  “You don’t ignore them or ask them to leave your café.”

  “Why would I?”

  “They’re bikers.”

  “They’re people. It doesn’t matter if they’re bikers or businessmen or students.”

  “And that’s why they left you a big tip.”

  Lara sighed, emptied the tip jar and put it back. “So you sketch?” She pointed to the book in his hand.

  “It’s the best when someone wants a custom piece.”

  “Will you show me your sketches?”

  “Dinner tomorrow night and I’ll show you all my sketches.”

  “Including the naughty ones?” Her eyes twinkled with mischief.

  “They’re all naughty.” He leaned over and brushed a kiss over her lips, then left the café before he decided on more than just a chaste kiss.

  * * * *

  Lara grinned as she watched Colby leave the café. His brief kiss sent tingles through her body.

  Two-thirty in the afternoon arrived faster than Lara expected. The café had been filled with a steady stream of customers. A half an hour before closing, she started cleaning up the café. She’d already sent Eve home.

  When the door opened, she turned and saw her brother. “Damn,” she whispered under her breath. “I’m getting ready to close up, Keith.”

  “This will only take a minute.” He stood in front of the door.

  Lara sighed. “Fine. What do you want?” There would never be warm fuzzy feelings between her and her family.

  “To talk.”

  “We have nothing to talk about.” Wasn’t that the truth?

  “We do, and you will listen.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

  Lara ignored him and continued to clean up.

  “I want you to know that we’re watching you, and you need to walk the straight and narrow.”

  “What?” She whirled around and glared at her brother. What the hell did he mean by that? Why the hell did she care? “Get out.” She’d had enough of her family.

  “Stay calm. I wanted you to know so you can clean up your act. Father isn’t happy.”

  “I don’t care. This is my life and my business. I’m tired of my family trying to decide what is best for me.” She marched over to him and pushed the door open. “Get out, and don’t come back. And tell Father, if he keeps this crap up, he’ll never see me again.” She shoved him out the door and locked it once he was outside.

  “We’re watching,” Keith said once again before walking away.

  Lara sagged against the door. What the hell was that about? Her family was watching her? Unease settled in the pit of her stomach, but she pushed it away as she finished cleaning up and closing down the café for the day.

  Her family could go to hell as far as she was concerned. She wasn’t so much worried about herself, but what about Colby, or the club and her new friends there. Damn it. Leaving the café, she set the alarm and locked the back door.

  Out of habit, she looked around before moving to her car, but after she got in and locked the doors, she glanced in her rear-view mirror. Nothing. Paranoid, are we?

  Lara blew out a breath and started her car and drove home. Aunt Tammy was sitting outside when Lara pulled up.

  “Everything okay, Aunt Tammy?” she asked as she climbed out of her vehicle.

  “Fine. Just getting some sun.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief. While her family usually didn’t bother Aunt Tammy, she wouldn’t put it past them. “That’s nice. Want some tea?”

  “I would love some.” Aunt Tammy walked up the steps with her into Lara’s duplex. “So tell me: What has you rattled?” her aunt asked after Lara had tea and cookies on the table.

  “Nothing,” Lara answered automatically.

  “Young lady.” Aunt Tammy stared at her. “I know when you’re upset.”

  Lara sat down and gave her aunt a sad smile. “I never could hide anything from you.”

  “And don’t you forget it. Out with it.”

  “Keith stopped by the café as I was closing down today.”

  “What did that no good nephew of mine want?”

  Lara took a sip of her tea. “He said they were watching me.”

  Aunt Tammy laughed. “Let them watch.”

  “But.” How much should she tell her aunt? She wouldn’t tell her about the club. “Why would they watch me?” An icy shiver slid up her spine. With her dating Colby and them going to the club, there were more people involved than just her and her aunt.

  “Because they’re control freaks. Lara, honey,”—her aunt patted her on the arm—“don’t let them get to you. So when is the next date with your young man, Colby?”


  Colby. If her family was watching, they already knew about him, but how much, she didn’t know. She’d have to ask Colby about security at the club. It seemed pretty tight to her, but her family was worse than bloodhounds at times. “We’re having dinner.”

  “Good.” Aunt Tammy sipped her tea. “Don’t let Keith get to you. He’s trying to rattle you and make you doubt yourself.”

  He’s not doing a bad job, Lara said to herself. She didn’t want to worry her aunt. “You’re right. So wh
o’s cooking tonight?”

  “I say we call for pizza and enjoy ourselves with a movie. I’m dying to watch that one about the guys that strip for a living.”

  Lara laughed. “Pizza and a movie it is.”

  Chapter 8

  Lara pushed her food around on her plate. Colby had brought her to his apartment for dinner, but she didn’t have much of an appetite. Not after she saw some man taking pictures across the street from her café. He could have been a tourist, but something about him bothered her.

  “What’s wrong, honey?” Colby asked.

  “What?” Lara shook her head. “Nothing. I’m not hungry.” Spaghetti, meatballs, and garlic bread were her favorites, but tonight the meal sat like a lead ball in her stomach.

  Colby stood with his empty plate, and Lara started to stand. “I’ll take care of it.” While his tone wasn’t angry, it was hard and deep. “Why don’t you go sit on the sofa?” His voice was softer this time.

  “Are you sure I can’t help?”


  Lara made her way over to his leather sofa and sat down. The buttery soft leather cradled her body. Colby explained he lived above the garage to be close to his mother if she needed help.

  She smiled. He was a good man. And just like a man, he had a huge TV. She could picture Colby sitting here with his feet up on the table, beer in hand, watching some sporting event or car race.

  The next thing she knew, Colby plucked her from her seat and had her in his lap. Not that she minded, she liked being in his arms.

  “Time to spill,” he said, one arm around her waist and his free hand cupping her face and turning her to face him.

  “Spill what?” Damn, was she an open book with everyone? First her aunt and now Colby.

  Colby gave her that hard, Dom look she wondered if Max had taught him. She let out a sigh. “It’s nothing.” Why was she going to confess anything to him?

  He tilted her chin up and stared at her. Lara squirmed. “Do they teach you that look in Dom school or something?”

  Colby leaned his head back and let out a roar of laughter before looking at her again. “Why, yes, they do. Talk.”

  Lara squirmed in his lap. “I’m just being silly.”

  “Something has you upset, so let me be the judge if you’re silly or not.”